AO Hub™- A Multi-Sensory, Mind Engagement System

Our brains, with their intricate network of 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion frequency points, are incredibly powerful yet susceptible to a range of issues. Common problems include disruptions in mind states, or brainwave connectivity, which can impair memory, focus, and cognitive function; mental and emotional challenges such as anxiety and stress; struggles with unhealthy habits; and various physical health concerns like chronic discomfort and sleepless nights.

MES is designed to guide your brain into the “Theta State”, a deeply relaxed, dreamlike state you naturally experience right before falling asleep. In this state, the brain shifts its focus from external sensory input and conscious thought to deeper subconscious activity, tapping into the bio-magnetic field. This unique environment is where “reprogramming” and “remapping” of neural pathways can take place. Relaxing audio tracks with frequencies for emotional regulation compliment the experience, promoting deep relaxation and mental clarity.

The HUB focuses on three main objectives:

Inducing a “Theta” brainwave state to open the mind to suggestion, learning and healing.

Stimulating the hypothalamus to restore normal levels of serotonin, dopamine and other key neurotransmitters.

Encouraging the brain to develop new, healthy neural pathways through a process known as “entrainment”.

How MES Works

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES)
A non invasive, FDA-approved treatment proven to reduce anxiety, insomnia and depression. CES is also effective in addiction recovery by producing a deep state of relaxation and heightened awareness, enabling openness to new ideas and subconscious healing.

Binaural Audio Beats:
Discovered in 1839, these subtle sound pulses synchronize the brain’s hemispheres and bring the brain into a Theta state. This promotes neural pathway reestablishment and entrainment, leading to deep relaxation and mental renewal.

Visual Pattern Light Stimulation
Computer-generated light patterns, synchronized with the binaural beats, quickly induce the Theta state. This process enhances suggestibility, supports healing rhythms and creates the optimal condition for mental reprogramming.

Choose your Experience

Unlock your brain’s potential with the HUB Multi-Sensory Mind Engagement System by choosing 3 areas you would like to experience. During your 30 minute session, you will also be lying on a warm grounding mat, with a low PEMF enhancing your relaxation and lowering inflammation.

Memory Enhancement, Focus, Concentration
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain
Headaches, Migraine and Sinus
Weight Control
Hormone Balance
Parkinson’s Disease
Muscular Dystrophy
Multiple Sclerosis

Depression, Moods
Depression, Circumstances
Depression, Drugs
Reduce Stress
Anger / Fear
Sexual Dysfunction – Male
Sexual Dysfunction – Female
Bipolar, OCD, PTSD

To purchase a package, reach out to HERE

MES Intro Session


MES Single Session


MES Package of 5


MES Package of 10
