Neurodevelopment Modalities

Neuroscience has shown that movement and touch can change the way our brain functions. Specific movements can increase everyone’s effectiveness in life by developing and strengthening neural pathways. Adele uses a full body approach, utilizing four different modalities of Specialized Kinesiology (neuro-developmental movements/touch), general exercise and flexibility. This approach will help you reach your highest potential.

For example, these movements have been used to help:

• ADD/ADHD-hyperactivity

• Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD)

• Autism/Aspergers (ASD)

• Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalcula

• Developmental & Speech Delay

• Auditory processing disorder

• Anxiety, Fears & Phobias

• Scoliosis

• Behavior Challenges

• Sleep Disorders

• Depression

• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

• Parkinson’s Disease

• Dementia

• MS



This is a series of Balance/Auditory/Vision/eXercises that are executed in a rhythmic manner. These exercises help with: eye tracking, eye-hand coordination, auditory processing, brain entrainment and mid-line crossing movements.

Educational Kinesiology

This is a system of movements that help the brain hemispheres communicate more smoothly. These movements help improve concentration, memory, communication, organizational skills and sports performance. This is also known as Brain Gym.

Rhythmic Movement Training

This is nuero-sensory-motor integration consisting of gentle rocking and reflex integration movements that stimulate the brain and calm the nervous system. This integration assists in rebuilding the foundations necessary to help overcome learning, sensory, emotional and behavioral challenges.